Friday, November 27, 2009

genie ;

i used to ask my friendss this question ;

Q : if there is a great big blue genie with the one jambull toncet ,
suddenly popped out in front of you ,
and asked for the three demands from you that the genie wanted
to make your dreams comes true ,
what would the three wishes will be ?

ejai : money , money , and a person who love me
wan : money , love and girlfiess :D
nana : money arh , boyfie , and new parents :P
amai : engkau ( haha , jkjk ) , cinta , wang saku
fahmi : duit , duit , duit

and and many moree .*mlss lahh mau type . hee

if i could wish what i wanna wish wish ;

* hopeful to be an upper than a billionare , hee ( because admit that i'm a big spender :D )
* hope that i would everlasting with him <3>
* get a wonderful lifee ever :)

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